We are all aware that the world around us is changing very quickly. In fact, the rate of change is continually accelerating. As a result, individuals, organizations, businesses and even entire cultures are struggling to keep up.

Furthermore, as business leaders, we can no longer assume that the market space we occupy today will be the same market space that we occupy in six months. Products and services that we offer and the technology that we use today will be obsolete tomorrow!
Renowned authors, Alvin and Heidi Toffler’s book entitled “Revolutionary Wealth” provides innovative ideas on how changes in society, government, culture and business are transforming our lives in this century. Especially relevant, the Tofflers have compared the rates of change of major institutions in North America to cars speeding along on a highway. They have rated nine institutions with a “change” rate of speed between 0 and 100 miles per hour as follows: